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DELE Spanish Exams - Examenes de español DELE

by Paqui on Friday, June 10, 2005

DELE exams (Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera) give you an Official accreditation of your degree of fluency in Spanish language. Issued by the Spanish Ministry of Education, they are the only official… more »

Teaching method of don Quijote - Método didáctico de don Quijote

by Cari on Friday, June 10, 2005

don Quijote has developed an open, flexible and interactive method of teaching, drawing on our years of experience, our understanding of the cognitive process of language learning, and our continual reflection on the… more »

Our Teachers of Spanish at Barcelona - Los profesores de español de Barcelona

by Paqui on Tuesday, June 7, 2005

These are the teachers of don Quijote school in Barcelona. The picture is a bit old, if anyone has a better one please send it to… more »

Study and work in Spain - Estudia y Trabaja en España

by Paqui on Monday, June 6, 2005

To help you afford your stay abroad and gain professional experience in Spain don Quijote offers you a new program to Work and Study in Spain. You can take a language course at any don Quijote school (6 weeks minimum)… more »

Learn the months of the year in Spanish

by Paqui on Friday, June 3, 2005

Start learning some Spanish right now! These are the months of the year in Spanish, you'll see you can learn it easily:¡Empieza a aprender español ahora mismo! Estos son los meses del año,… more »

Aprender flamenco

by Profesor3 on Thursday, May 12, 2005

Esta es una clase de Flamenco en el colegio don Quijote de SevillaThis is a Flamenco class at the don Quijote school in… more »

Spanish Proverbs

by profesor7 on Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Uno de los proverbios del español más importante es: "dónde fueres haz lo que vieres", "when in Rome do as the romans do". Ténlo muy en cuenta cuando te animes a conocer… more »

Este es mi primer blog

by Profesor3 on Tuesday, May 10, 2005

La semana pasada justo antes de irme a mi casita, en la puerta del cole un grupo de cinco chicos me preguntaron si podían entrar para ver el colegio.Habían estudiado en don Quijote en el año… more »

Spanish Sayings

by Profesor3 on Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Saying: El hilo de la vidaEnglish: The course of lifeComments and History: De acuerdo con la mitología griega, las Parcas o Moiras -diosas de la Vida y de la Muerte- estaban representadas por tres hermanas,… more »

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