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Friday, June 3, 2005 (read 2724 times)
Learn the months of the year in Spanish
by PaquiStart learning some Spanish right now! These are the months of the year in Spanish, you'll see you can learn it easily:
¡Empieza a aprender español ahora mismo! Estos son los meses del año, verás como los aprendes rápido.
- Enero - January
- Febrero - February
- Marzo - March
- Abril- April
- Mayo - May
- junio - June
- Julio - July
- Agosto - August
- Septiembre - September
- Octubre - October
- Noviembre - November
- Diciembre - December
Some grammar rules for the months in Spanish:
The months are not capitalized like in english for example, only they are at the beginning of a sentence.
The number of the date goes first, then you use the preposition "de" and finally the month.
Hoy es 30 de mayo. It is May 30th today
Mi cumpleaños es el 12 de agosto. My bithday is on August the 12th
The preposition "en + month" to indicate the moth we are "in"
In Spanish the months do not have plural forms and they take no article. Althout articles are used with the words which go with the month such as the seasons or the word month (mes)
Keywords: grammar,spanish,beginners,learn