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Tomato wars: Tomatina Festival in Valencia

by Paqui on Thursday, July 7, 2005

You are still on time to participate in the tomato battle of Buñol, in ValenciaEvery year, the village of Buñol hosts La Tomatina, the world's largest vegetable fight, where around 20.000 people throw… more »

Español o Castellano

by Agustín Sánchez on Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Muchas veces me he encontrado con estudiantes que me han hecho la siguiente pregunta:"¿Hablas español o castellano?¿cuál es la diferencia?"El castellano es la lengua que… more »

London 2012

by Agustín Sánchez on Wednesday, July 6, 2005

It could't be.Madrid will not be the city for the Olympic Games. The city will be London. Congratulations.Perhaps in 2020 Madrid will have another… more »

Information about Spanish Courses

by Paqui on Wednesday, July 6, 2005

If you are interested in learning Spanish and or if you are thinking about taking a course in a Spanish Speaking country the first thing you will need is as much information as possible about the different places where… more »

Introduction - Presentación

by Paqui on Tuesday, July 5, 2005

Time to introduce myself a bit I am native of Salamanca in Spain, here you can see a map showing where Salamanca is located.Since the age of 14 I started taking language courses abroad, my first destination being… more »

La Siesta en Salamanca

by Salva on Tuesday, July 5, 2005

Hola, me llamo Salva y trabajo como profesor de español en don Quijote Salamanca desde hace 16 años. Me encanta mi trabajo y gracias a mis alumnos conozco diferentes paises sin moverme de… more »

Madrid 2012

by Agustín Sánchez on Tuesday, July 5, 2005

Everybody in Spain is really excited because the countdown is finishing to choose the best cadidate for the Olympic Games in 2012.Madrid is "fighting" to be the one chosen.It would be the second city in Spain… more »

Monday, Monday...

by Agustín Sánchez on Monday, July 4, 2005

New group of students from everywhere: sixty…Eight in the morning everybody ready to prepare all the things for them.Runing…"¿cómo te llamas?¿de dónde eres?¿hablas… more »

Learning Spanish abroad

by Agustín Sánchez on Friday, July 1, 2005

¿Qué es Spanish abroad? Spanish abroad supone la mejor oportunidad para aprender una de las lenguas más demandadas en el mundo empresarial y con una de las mejores perspectivas de crecimiento en… more »

Ventajas de enseñar español - Advantages for teaching Spanish

by Cari on Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Llevo en esto del Spanish Foreign Language (ELE) muchos años, tantos que cuando empecé ni siquiera se usaban estos términos para describir la materia.A lo largo de mi camino en este campo he pasado… more »

Las lenguas de España - Languages of Spain

by Paqui on Monday, June 20, 2005

El idioma oficial de España es el español, también llamado castellano por que en su origen era el idioma de Castilla. Además del español hay otros idiomas regionales reconocidos como… more »

The best Spanish dictionary - El mejor diccionario del español

by Paqui on Friday, June 17, 2005

Choosing which is the best Spanish dictionary will depend a lot on your aim and needs, as well as on your level of Spanish. But these are some useful tips to take into account:Para elegir el diccionario de… more »

Spanish teachers of Salamanca - Los profesores de Salamanca

by Paqui on Monday, June 13, 2005

Esta es una foto de los profesores de español del colegio de Salamanca.Our Spanish teachers from Salamanca… more »

Volunteer programs in Latinamerica - Voluntariado en Latinoamérica

by Paqui on Monday, June 13, 2005

If you are looking for a different way to learning Spanish and you want something else from your stay abroad, think about combining your Spanish course with 4 weeks of volunteer work in Mexico or Peru.There are… more »

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