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Diary of a Beginner in Salamanca

by Lee on Friday, August 5, 2005

My name is Lee and I'm from county Wicklow in Ireland. This is the story of my first Spanish class Upon arriving in Spain from Ireland, I knew how to say:Hola, por favor, gracias and no habla español!… more »

7 Reasons to Love Spain

by Emily on Friday, August 5, 2005

Ambience… Spain is perfect for relaxing. People do it all the time. Before work, bars & cafes are filled with people sipping their "cafes con leche" (coffee with milk) enjoying their mornings. In the mid-afternoon they… more »

Tips for the Spanish verbs ser and estar

by Paqui on Monday, August 1, 2005

No es lo mismo ser que estar…One of the most difficult lessons when learning or teaching Spanish, is the difference between the two Spanish verbs: Ser and Estar, since both verbs translate as the unique English… more »

Celebrating 400 years of don Quixote de la Mancha

by Paqui on Friday, July 29, 2005

One of the most important cultural events in Spain this year is the celebration of the 4th centenary of the book don Quixote. 400 years after it was published it is still the most famous Spanish literary work,… more »

Games with Spanish words

by Paqui on Thursday, July 28, 2005

Learn Spanish vocabulary playing word search or the hang man with Spanish words. A good way to teach Spanish to children too.Here is an example, find the names of these animals in Spanish:Now try with other words,… more »

Our Students this Week

by Paqui on Tuesday, July 26, 2005

This week we have students from 61 different countries in our Spanish schools of Madrid, Barcelona, Salamanca, Seville, Tenerife, Valencia, Granada (Spain) and Guanajuato (Mexico). Welcome to all our students… more »

SPAIN: The Best College Experience

by Emily on Friday, July 22, 2005

¡Hola! My name is Emily Anderson. I am a United States college student attending the University of Alabama in Huntsville. I am currently in Salamanca, Spain working for don Quijote in the marketing department for… more »

Vocabulary for the Family - Vocabulario para la Familia

by Paqui on Thursday, July 21, 2005

A short lesson about how to talk about your family in Spanish.Words to know:Father: padreMother: madreGrandfather/Grandmother: abuelo/aBrother: hermanoSister: hermanaUncle: tíoAunt: tíaCousin: primo or… more »

Common Mistakes in Spanish

by Paqui on Thursday, July 21, 2005

Here are some common mistakes which you should try to avoid when speaking or writing in Spanish:Femenine nouns with masculine articlesThe word eagle, in Spanish "águila " is a feminine noun, however… more »

Course for Teachers of Spanish

by Paqui on Tuesday, July 19, 2005

If you are a teacher of Spanish as foreign language and Spanish is not your mother tongue, you will know already how important it is to refresh your language skills, to renew your didactic resources and to practice the… more »

Welcome Dinner Pictures

by Paqui on Monday, July 18, 2005

We have a new section in our blog: welcome dinner pictures where we will post the photos of our just-arrived students.Every week the school invites the new students to a dinner on their first monday of course so that… more »

¡Sabías que...?

by Ana I Garcia on Wednesday, July 13, 2005

El cumpleaños se celebra con una tarta:La fiesta de cumpleaños se hace como recuerdo de la ceremonia de adoración a la Luna, a la que, desde tiempos inmemoriales, se le han atribuido poderes sobre… more »

Who's in our schools this week?

by Paqui on Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Have you ever wondered who's learning Spanish at our schools, right now?This week we have students from 55 countries! Holland, Brazil, UK, Germany, Italy, USA, Denmark, Canada, Sweden, Ireland, China, Finland,… more »

Read a book in Spanish!

by Paqui on Tuesday, July 12, 2005

I am reading "el origen perdido" (The lost origin) by Matilde Asensi, a thrilling fiction story in which hackers, Inca civilisations, pyramids, and ancient languages of Latin America like Quechua and Aimara… more »


by Ana Maria on Friday, July 8, 2005

Esta es la pregunta que todos los españoles nos hicimos ante el anuncio oficial del embarazo de la Princesa de Asturias.Sólo el heredero al trono recibe el título de "príncipe",… more »

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