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Museum dedicated to the Spanish language opens in Buenos Aires

by Chloe Bustin on Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The first museum dedicated to chronicling the development of the Spanish language in Latin America opened its doors in Buenos Aires at the end of September.‘El Museo del libro y la lengua’ is the product of… more »

$300,000 in Scholarships Offered to Hispanic Students

by Matthew Leake on Friday, October 21, 2011

The Spanish language television network Univision, which broadcasts thoughout America is set to award $300,000 worth of scholarships to Hispanic students. The new “Becas Univision” scholarship program is… more »

Why not volunteer to learn Spanish?

by Kimberly on Thursday, October 20, 2011

Times are tough, no one denies that. Why not learn Spanish while doing something positive for someone else?Many people want to study abroad but never consider the amazing volunteer activities that exist around the… more »

Bilingual University to open in the US capital

by Chloe Bustin on Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A bilingual university in the United States is to open its doors next month in Wheaton, just north of Washington DC, Maryland. Originating from Puerto Rico, the ‘Sistema Universitaria Ana G Mendez’ (SUAGM)… more »

Take your class to learn Spanish in Spain!

by Matthew Leake on Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Everyone involved in teaching knows just how important it is to motivate students so that they are actually interested in what is being taught. However, at times trying to create this motivation within a classroom… more »

Shakira appointed by Obama to Advisory Board for Hispanic Education

by Kimberly on Friday, October 7, 2011

Many people may be aware that Obama is furiously hoping to regain votes among the huge Hispanic population the US. This is especially true after the recent massive deportations have left him losing a lot of support… more »

The Elusive Andalusian Accent

by Chloe Bustin on Thursday, October 6, 2011

At the age of 14, I embarked on my first trip to Spain. Having only studied Spanish for a matter of months, and desperate to escape the dreariness of England, I decided the perfect destination to fully immerse myself… more »

Photographic Exhibition shows importance of Spanish Immigration to the US

by Kimberly on Friday, September 30, 2011

From 1880 to 1930, around 4 million Spaniards immigrated to the America, however, in many cases “these Spaniards have become invisible immigrants” (James D. Fernandez, “The discovery of Spain in New… more »

Study shows that allowing Spanish in schools helps Hispanic students

by Kimberly on Tuesday, September 27, 2011

According to a study by the University of Missouri, Mexican-Americans who use their native language of Spanish more often have higher grades than those who use English only at school.David Aguayo, a doctoral student in… more »

Exchange of Spanish Professors between Spain and the USA

by Kimberly on Monday, September 26, 2011

20 years of a historic educative agreementSince the year 2000, Spain and the US have collaborated on education.  Through various agreements they have agreed to help make Spanish available in the USA and English in… more »

Survival kit for going out in Spain - Things you need to know!

by Kimberly on Thursday, September 22, 2011

So, the first time I came to study Spanish abroad in Spain I was just like any other young American under the age of 21. You meet and make friends really quickly because essentially everyone is in the same boat and the… more »

Practise your Spanish the musical way!

by Matthew Leake on Saturday, September 17, 2011

It seems fitting that as the Spanish football team lifted the World Cup for the first time ever in 2010, the song that accompanied them was the famous “Waka, Waka” anthem by Columbian singer Shakira. Was it… more »

How long does it take to learn a language?

by Kimberly on Thursday, September 15, 2011

How long does it take to learn Spanish? How long do I need to stay to become fluent? These are questions we often hear when people are trying to figure out how much time they should spend abroad.My first answer would… more »

A Rookie's Experiences of the Spanish Fiesta

by Matthew Leake on Friday, September 9, 2011

Having lived in Salamanca for over two months now I consider myself pretty well adjusted to the Spanish way of life. Nothing, I thought, would throw up a great surprise anymore. That was until Las Ferias de Salamanca… more »

Bollywood celebrates all that is Spanish

by Chloe Bustin on Friday, September 2, 2011

The Bollywood film industry is one of the largest centers of film production in the world. Famed for their colorful productions and catchy music, the industry generates multi-million dollar from their vibrant… more »

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