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Monday, September 26, 2011 (read 860 times)

Exchange of Spanish Professors between Spain and the USA

by Kimberly

20 years of a historic educative agreement

Since the year 2000, Spain and the US have collaborated on education.  Through various agreements they have agreed to help make Spanish available in the USA and English in Spain so that it is more accessible to the general population. The professor interchange program created by both governments has proved to be very beneficial. A new agreement recently signed will extend the agreement another 10 years. This renewal of the contract first signed in 2000, signifies the consolidation of cooperation between Spain and the USA in educational matters.

New Plan for Cooperation

On September 22, the Secretary of State for Education and Training, Mario Beder, and U.S. Deputy Secretary of Education, Anthony Miller, signed a new Plan for Cooperation in education in Washington D.C. to develop activities that support a better knowledge of Spanish in the US and English in Spain. Next, the Secretary of State for Education and Training went to New York where he signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the authorities of the state to promote the objectives set forth in the Plan for Cooperation. These actions are a step forward towards a possible dual high school diploma.

Education Centers

The Spanish Government collaborates with 72 bilingual education centers and 12 universities in the US.
Currently, there are about 900 Spanish teachers working in the USA while the number of American conversation assistants in Spain is about 2.700.

Requests for information about the work and training exchange programs for Spanish teachers
In the website of the Spanish Ministry of Education, you can find all the information about this exchange program and others, both for Spanish teachers who want to work abroad or for foreign teachers who wish to work in Spain.

Keywords: Teach Spanish in Spain, Spanish teachers, teach Spanish, Teach English in Spain


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