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Friday, October 7, 2011 (read 949 times)
Shakira appointed by Obama to Advisory Board for Hispanic Education
by KimberlyMany people may be aware that Obama is furiously hoping to regain votes among the huge Hispanic population the US. This is especially true after the recent massive deportations have left him losing a lot of support among this demographic group.
So the American president is trying to score some points by forming the President’s Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics to help improve their nationwide performance.
The White House made a surprising announcement on Tuesday by electing the famous hip-shaking Columbian singer Shakira to the advisory board, along with three others.
It seems that her active role in promoting education through her Pies Descalzos (Barefoot) foundation have caught Obama’s attention. Shakira has personally helped to fund the opening of new schools in her native country of Columbia as well as in South Africa and Haiti.
The singer has long supported Obama, having endorsed him in the 2008 election and also performing in his inauguration celebration. Shakira is also a founding member in Solidarity Action for Latin America and has been an Ambassador for the United Nations International Children’s fund since 2003.
Obama, upon announcing his appointments to the advisory board said:
“I am grateful that these impressive individuals have chosen to dedicate their talents to serving the American people at this important time for our country (and) I look forward to working with them in the months and years ahead."
Shakira reported responded to the Huffington post:
“This is a tremendous honor for me. I am humbled that my philanthropic experience could be helpful or that my voice can be used to amplify the message and work of the President and this Commission. Latino youth are the fastest-growing group in America, yet more Latino children are living in poverty---- 6.1 million in 2010 ---- than children of any other racial or ethnic group. As I have seen in my own Foundation work, the only road out of poverty is education. For a host of reasons, Latino young people in this country disproportionately drop out of school and far too few finish college. Closing this gap will not only determine the economic future and competitiveness of this nation, but can serve as a model for the world. I am grateful to have an opportunity to support such important work.”
Keywords: shakira and obama, shakira elected by obama, shakira obama, shakira appointed by obama