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Bildungsurlaub in Spanien

by Mirjam on Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Verbinde Deinen Sprachkurs mit einem Bildungsurlaub!Sobald der Arbeitnehmer nachweisen kann, dass er regelmässig an mehr als 5 Tage der Woche arbeitet, können bis zu 12 Tage für einen Bildungsurlaub… more »

Racing in Salamanca

by Jeroen on Tuesday, November 8, 2005

It was the 'Tour de España'; an annual race with old cars which normally only takes place in Andalucia, in the south of Spain. But for the first time in the seven years history of this event, the competitors are also… more »

Historias de estudiantes en Madrid

by Mirjam on Monday, November 7, 2005

Julia Neumann de Alemania, ha pasado de nivel principiante en Español a intermedio en 8 semanas de curso:"Fue muy divertido e interesante estudiar español en Madrid. He conocido a muchos estudiantes… more »

Teaching Spanish Punctuation

by Paqui on Monday, November 7, 2005

One of the main characteristics of Spanish language is its punctuation, in Spanish there are openning question and exclamation marks which do not exist in other languages.The beginning of a question in Spanish is… more »

Resources for the Spanish Class

by Paqui on Friday, November 4, 2005

Here is an example of a lesson plan for beginners in Spanish, you'll find more lesson plans and activities for Spanish classes in this website with Spanish teacher resourcesEach activity is displayed in a card which… more »

Studying Spanish in Madrid (Jonny Persson, Sweden)

by Mirjam on Monday, October 31, 2005

In Spain you can find many beautiful houses and monuments. And it´s exciting to walk around the streets in Madrid and look at all the shops and all the beautiful women .  There is a special athmosphere when… more »

Studying Spanish in Madrid (James Wong, Ireland)

by Mirjam on Monday, October 31, 2005

Over the past two weeks I have enjoyed my stay in Madrid very much. I've found the whole athmosphere in don Quijote to be quite refreshing with a lovely mixture of people and cultures.For me coming to Madrid to… more »

Mi Viaje a España

by Maria Tkacheva on Friday, October 28, 2005

Quizála mejor opción para escapar de la vida cotidiana es trasladarse temporalmente a un país lejano y aceptar su cultura y sus costumbres. Creo que uno de los países más atractivos… more »

Spanish lesson plans

by Paqui on Friday, October 28, 2005

El rincón del profe is a specialised website for teachers of Spanish offering resources such as lesson plans for your Spanish class.Thelesson plans and class activities are classified into 4 different levels, you'll… more »

Discovering Spanish life in the mountains

by Jeroen on Thursday, October 27, 2005

During the free weekends of my language course, I can do a lot. Enjoy the nightlife till I drop and take an XL-siesta afterwards, grab my Spanish study book and study a bit, stroll through the city, go for some… more »

don Quijote de la Mancha-mania

by Christophe on Wednesday, October 26, 2005

In a student city like Salamanca, where the streets are awash with quixotic, aspiring intellectuals, it is not at all uncommon to inadvertently become involved in a philosophical debate. Such a thing happened to me… more »

Getting University Credits

by Tini on Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Did you know that you can easily get academic credit for your course in Spain? If you are studying at university and you take a course in a don Quijote school you may obtain academic credits for your Spanish course… more »

Want to be a Spanish Teacher in China?

by Paqui on Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Demand for learning Spanish is growing in China, but there are not enough Spanish teachers in the country. Chinese universities and Spanish teaching institutions are unable to satisfy demand of students wanting to… more »

Premios para Profesores de Español

by Paqui on Monday, October 24, 2005

Un premio de 6000 Euros reconocerá la innovación educativa en la enseñanza del español. Si eres profesor de español como lengua extranjera en cualquier país puedes participar,… more »

20 Scholarships for Spanish Teaching Institutions

by Paqui on Friday, October 21, 2005

don Quijote spanish schools have just launched their Scholarship Competetion for 2006. Institutions teaching Spanish anywhere in the world can participate in this competition presenting their plans to promote the… more »

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