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Monday, October 31, 2005 (read 1139 times)

Studying Spanish in Madrid (Jonny Persson, Sweden)

by Mirjam

In Spain you can find many beautiful houses and monuments. And it´s exciting to walk around the streets in Madrid and look at all the shops and all the beautiful women .  There is a special athmosphere when you go out at night when the city is full of lights and people are out to have a beer with their friends.

The traffic system is good so it´s easy to take a bus or the metro to the place you want to go to. All the people that i have been talking with have been very kind to me. They are helpful if you get in trouble finding your way around. It´s best to speak in spanish, because the people are a little bit reserved if you ask them in english. Maybe it depends whether they speak english well or not.

If you visit Spain you must visit Toledo, an old town that is famous for the narrow streets and the marvelous architecture. Take a day to visit the town, it´s worth it.
Another place to visit in Madrid is el Parque del Retiro. This is a nice place to walk in and just relax. If you like bathing, go to the coast. There are many good places in Spain with good beaches. Now you have got a little information about Spain from me. Now it´s up to you to find out your own opinion about Spain. Visit Spain, you won´t be disapointed.

Jonny Persson, Göteborg, Sweden

A picture of Madrid

Keywords: spain,madrid


1 » Mary-Anne

What a wonderful mansion. I'm interested in architecture and design and I'd like it if I could afford to travel trough Spain and admire all the beautiful houses you're talking about. I wonder if people would be that nice to let me take photos of their houses for my collection.

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