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Thursday, February 16, 2012 (read 1831 times)

A Few Tips About Where To Learn Spanish

by Dilek

You want to learn Spanish at its own native environment but can’t decide which place to go. Well it depends on what type of person you are and what you like to do. Everyone knows that a language is better learned when it is enjoyable and enjoy comes along with the culture and people you meet.

Firstly you should ask yourself when you want to learn. If you want to get a little taste of Medittereanean sun,  you can pick some of the amazing coastal cities like Malaga and Cadiz in southern Spain or Barcelona and Valencia in the east.  Don’t miss the chance to see the Arabic culture and architecture in Seville and Granada surrounded with a historical city atmosphere. Maybe you want to take a dive in deep waters, so Tenerife, one of the Canary Islands, is the best place for water sports and beach activities.

Cities like Salamanca and Granada offer an exciting student life as every year more than 3500 students come to study Salamanca and share wonderful moments. But if you are fond of art, history and vivid city life, you should spend some time in Madrid. The capital city welcomes you to see the best examples of Picasso and Dali at Queen Sofia Museum and classic works of Goya and Marquez at El Prado(the second largest museum in Europe). Another must see location is Madrid of the Austrians where visitors can get lost viewing the amazing architectural remnants of the Spanish Golden Age.

If you are a living in northern hemisphere, you might want to spend your winter in a hot place in Argentina or Chile. With the enchanting melody of tango and famous beef steaks make this place a must-have experience. One of the attractive spot that should be seen is San Carlos de Bariloche, it has wonderful scenery along the province of Rio Negro and its location between woods, lakes, glaciers and mountains offer a good skiing, trekking and climbing opportunity as well. 

How about breathing some fresh air and see the green side of the world? Costa Rica ranks first and is the "greenest" country in the world. Around 25% of the country's land area is in protected national parks and protected areas. If you want to get lost amongst the history and ancient ruins, you might want to check out Mexico or Peru. Mexico is home to one of the oldest Mayan ruins of Chichen Itzá which is very close to Playa del Carmen. The famous UNESCO heritage site Machu Picchu is located near Cusco, Peru. The 15th century Inca site has been selected one of the New Seven Wonders of The World.


While deciding to choose a location, language characteristics are also important. Spanish, which is spoken in 21 countries, may differ in accent and usage of the words from country to country. The largest difference can be seen in Spanish spoken in Spain and Latin America. The verb conjugations in certain ways might be different. In Spain, the verb form “vosotros” is still under usage while in Latin America it’s almost faded away. It is rarely allowed foreign words to get in the language the purest Spanish is said to be found in the region where the city of Salamanca is located, where the Castilian language (Spanish) originated from.  Like in every language accents vary in Spanish as well owing to the diversity of places it is spoken.  Argentineans are famous for pronouncing the Spanish “ll” like “je” in French. Spaniards from southern Spain are often accused of dropping off the letter “s” from the end of words.

It is important to know that despite the variations in verb and word usage, Spanish speakers can communicate with each other with no problems regardless of where they are from, much like an American and a British speaker have no troubles carrying on a conversation.
No matter where you choose to study Spanish it will add you an extra understanding of the culture and the language. Besides there are several courses that you can combine so that you can get to visit wherever you want.

Keywords: spanish, spain, study spanish, learn spanish, latin america, argentina, costa rica, mexico, culture, art, history,peru


1 » Mike Stone (on Monday, March 5, 2012) said:

Hace muchos años que estudio español. He tomado cursos en México, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina y Paraguay. Lo que me ha ayudado más que cualquier otra cosa es hablar con nativos por Skype.

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