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Friday, February 24, 2012 (read 1104 times)
Spanish Faster, Better, Stronger
by DilekA new Spanish learner can complain about how fast the native people speak. After a while when you get used to the sound of the words and accent, you may think it is the normal pace of the language.
However a new study published in the “Language” journal about the speed in the main languages, has showed that Spanish is really a fast spoken language. Researchers from University of Lyon (France), selected 59 male and female volunteers who were native speakers of one of seven common languages — English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin and Spanish. All of them were instructed to read 20 different texts in their native languages into a recorder.
One conclusion is that some languages require more time to count exactly the same story. Mandarin for example is the slowest spoken languge. Spanish, came second after Japanese with a low-density .63, ripped along at a syllable-per-second velocity of 7.82. However, the languages spoken at a faster rate (syllable with a higher rate, or more syllables per minute) tend to include less information on each individual syllable.
The study confirms that there are several possible strategies of linguistic encoding but either talking fast or slowly, in all languages convey information as effectively.
It is also possible to see the differences between regions as Spanish is spoken more than 30 countries. Some people in Latin America tend to speak at a slower rate than others. Puertorricans tend to speak faster than people from Honduras. In Spain, each dialect has its own pace and sound, so it is only a matter of time to understand every word spoken once you get the base.
More so, Spanish language is found to be very faltering and musical which makes it to be a romantic language. Therefore, Spanish people tend to utter it with emotion and passion that the speed is not given much attention to. Frankly being fast makes Spanish more attractive and puts forward its characteristic feature seperating from other languages.
Spaniards really do sprint and that is another important point why Spanish should be learned in a Spanish speaking country.
Keywords: spanish language, accent, spain