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Wednesday, August 31, 2011 (read 779 times)

American town will host its own Running of the Bulls

by Kimberly

A small town in Arizona, Cave Creek, will be hosting the 4th Running of the Bulls USA Festival on October 14th and 15th.  The city is a suburb of Phoenix.

The Running of the Bulls event mimics that of Pamplona Spain, known as San Fermin and running for over 400 years. Every year the Spanish festival attracts 500,000 attendees and 7,000 runners from all over the world.

There are many key differences, however, to the Spanish version. First, the bulls are not bullfighting bulls but rather rodeo bulls and the event will take place in a quarter-mile arena rather than running down city streets. Oh, and before I get contacted by all those who are completely against bull events, no, there will be no matador bullfighter involved.

The event will offer courageous runners 6 opportunities to run with 32 bulls over a quarter of a mile course. Purchase your tickets in advance and you can run once for $25 or all you want for $50.  The prices go up to $35 and $75 on the day of the event. Oh, and of course all participants will go home with a coveted “I ran with the bulls” t-shirt.

Previous editions were held in Mesquite, Nevada in both 1998 and 1999 and next in Scottsdale at Rawhide in 2002.  Since then, the event has been held up because insurance has simply gotten too expensive, but event director Phil Immordino has been waiting for the right opportunity.

The event was officially sponsored by the city council until Immordino was unable to cover the event for the recommended 3 million dollars of insurance the city required. He only was able to afford 2 million dollars in insurance, so the city backed out and the event is now going to be held on a 9 acre private property directly west of the Buffalo Chip Saloon and Steakhouse, at 6811 E. Cave Creek Road.

There will be plenty to do during the 2-day Cave Creek Bull Festival: the Taste of Cave Creek Festival will be occurring simultaneously and there will be live music, exhibition booths and many vendors. The event is expected to draw at least 5,000 people but event organizers hope for at least double that. The promoters are marketing the event and hope to bring in participants from all over the west coast of the USA.

The event has its risks; there are human casualties to bull events almost every year in Spain.  All runners must sign a liability waver, possess medical insurance, be of legal age and deemed as not being under the influence of any drugs or alcohol.

Those who just want to feel a piece of what Spanish fiestas are like without risking their limbs can purchase spectator tickets for $20 for Friday (Party + Concert) and another $20 for Saturday. VIP seating is available and children pay $5. Currently spectator tickets are available online for buy one get one free!

For more information visit:

Or call: 1-855-480-4786.

I leave you with the event schedule for the Running of the Bulls USA event:

Event Schedule

Oct 14th, 2011

4:00pm                 Gates Open
5:00pm                 Media Bull Run
6:30pm                 Charity Bull Run
7:00pm                 Runner Party & Concert

Oct 15, 2011

11:00am               Gates Open
11:30am               Opening Ceremonies
Noon                     #1 Bull Run
2:00pm                 #2 Bull Run
4:00pm                 #3 Bull Run
6:00pm                 #4 Bull Run
7:00pm                 Concert

Oct 16, 2011

11:00am               Gates Open
12:00am               #5 Bull Run
2:00pm                 #6 Bull Run
4:00pm                 #7 Bull Run
5:00pm                Awards Ceremony

Keywords: running of the bulls arizona, usa running of the bulls, cave creek running of the bulls, american running of the bulls, us town hosts running of the bulls


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