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Friday, August 26, 2011 (read 8202 times)
The 10 most sensual languages in the world
by KimberlyWithout a doubt there are some accents that are known to be sexier than others. Most likely, you have an idea of those that you most like. CNNGo International decided to do a survey on Facebook to ask people what accents are the sexist. What was the conclusion? Here is a list of the sexiest accents in the world, according to those sampled:
1. French: Surely there is no surprise here. Paris is known as the city of love and French words are commonly used to express words of love and admiration. What do you think? Is French really the sexiest language in the world?
2. British English, from Oxford: You don't have to tell me twice, I think of Jude Law speaking in his sexy British accent and I get butterflies. What about "Bond, James Bond"? This accent makes us think about nobility, the language of Kings and Queens, nothing really sounds quite as posh and refined.
3. Trinidadian: I admit, I had to look this one up. In Trinidad and Tobago English is the official language, but there are two main local English-based Creole languages spoken here. For language lovers, they sound exotic with African, Spanish and French influences.
4. Brazilian Portuguese: The Portuguese spoken in Brazil is said to sound like "a permanent vacation" and no doubt the people are known to be some of the most beautiful in the world.
5. Italian: No doubt that Italian restaurants make our mind sway towards romance. Think Lady and the Tramp and the plate of spaghetti as love emerges. Sounds corny, but really, the Italian language is pretty sexy. According to CNN the language maintains "the fire of its war origin..., the romance of the Renaissance.. insatiable, predatory and possessive, sex as a second language"
6. Spanish: Strong and attractive like no other language on the planet. Cervantes’s language is one of the sexiest languages in the world according to thousands of people surveyed. Lets not forget the sensual Spanish and Latin faces like Eva Longoria, Penelope Cruz, Selma Hayek, Jennifer Lopez, Antonio Banderas, Shakira.. to name just a few.
7. Irish: This language can "kill" with just one word according to those surveyed. CNN describes Irish as "fluid and stimulating, it can range from vulnerable to threatening during a prayer".
8. Australian: I remember an Australian boy who studied abroad at my high school. The girls went crazy over him and he often went home with his arm covered with phone numbers. Exotic and cute at the same time, think of natives like Nicole Kidman, the late Keith Ledger or the sexy (and cute at the same time) Ryan Kwanten, who plays Jason Stackhouse in the hit series True Blood.
9. Nigerian: Some say that it is worth the trip just to hear it. English is the official language but there are many dialects and regional languages in the country.
10. Japanese: This language landed the 10th spot on the survey's list of sensual languages, quite a surprise to my American ears. However, many say that after awhile listening to the language, one can discover its beauty and the reason why so many people love it.
Keywords: sexy languages, sensual languages, spanish sexy language, sexiest languages in the world, sexy accent, sensual accent, worlds sexiest language, worlds most sexy language