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Friday, July 23, 2010 (read 1470 times)

The great Mosque of Cordoba Mosque & a new Spanish Coin

by Kimberly

The Córdoba Mezquita dates back to the 10th century when it was under Abd ar-Rahman, one of the greatest rulers of Islamic History. At that time, most of southern Spain had been conquested by the Arabs, and the development of the Great Mosque demonstrated this. At the time Córdoba, an Andalusian city, was one of the largest and most prosperous cities in Europe.

After the Spanish "Reconquista" it was turned back into a church, and a gothic cathedral was inserted into the center of the Moorish building. Today it is Roman Catholic and is known as the "Catedral de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción".

It is regarded as perhaps the most accomplished monument of the Umayyad (Muslim) dynasty, a jewell of Hispano-Islamic Art, it features 850 columns, double arches and Byzantina Mosaics. In the center of the mosque's columns rises a 16th century cathedral (built in 1226).

The great Mosque of Córdoba exemplifies the rich history of Spain, combining both Catholic and Moorish history. Nowadays, you can visit the mosque/cathedral for a 6€ entrance fee.

A look on the inside:

As a tribute to this history, in 2010 a special edition Spanish Euro coin is being released to commemorate the Córdoba Mosque. If you are lucky, you just might find one!

A 2010 Limited edition Spanish 2€ coin commemorating the Córdoba Mosque:

Keywords: mosque,cordoba mosque,new spanish coin


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