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Tuesday, July 27, 2010 (read 1255 times)

Barcelona hosts global medical triumph

by Olivia

Yesterday, a 31 year-old Spanish man appeared before the press in Barcelona having undergone the world's first full-face transplant. He thanked the surgeons for their work and the opportunity to enjoy life again.

Oscar represents the exciting culmination of years of work and research for surgeons all over the globe. Owing to a devastating incident five years ago, in which he accidentally shot himself in the face, the farmer was unable to breathe, speak or eat unaided. That is, until a pioneering operation in March this year.

Following 24 hours of surgery by 30 specialists, and months of recovery, Oscar can now move his eyebrows and jaw, swallow pureed food and talk. What's more, it is expected that after 12-18 months of rehabilitation he will have regained 90% of normal movement and sensitivity in his face.

And this remarkable work all took place in Barcelona's Hospital Vall d'Hebron. It seems Spain has far more than its recent sporting successes to shout about!

Keywords: barcelona,medical triumph


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