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Thursday, July 29, 2010 (read 1096 times)

The End of an Era

by Laura Ellis

So a historic change has taken place, and the government of Catalonia has voted to end bull-fighting in their region. Is this an example of seemingly 'anti-Spanish' behavior?

Always a controversial 'art', this tradition goes back many thousands of years, and for many is what categorizes Spain. Particularly of notable importance due to the Bull often used as a symbol of the country, were you to ask any tourist for an element of Spanish culture, I for one am certain that bull-fighting would be in the top five. Ironically, despite this apparent desire to stop bull-fighting, ticket sales are on the increase, and each summer, tourists flock to watch these spectacles as well as festivals celebrating the tradition, such as San Fermines.

A bull fighting stadium

So why is this change taking place? Primarily, one can attribute it to the masses demonstrating against animal cruelty, with an emphasis on the need for humanity instead of brutality; but many in fact see it as a way for Catalonia once more to assert their independence in the face of the national Spanish government, and thus by removing a national past-time, they are showing their lack of desire to be part of Spain.

Although the Canary Islands had in fact banned the sport in 1991, Catalonia is the largest and most significant, whilst also the first mainland region, to ban this practice, and thus who knows what the future holds. Although only winning by a small majority, a vote of 68 in favor, 55 against and 9 abstentions, it is obvious that this could be the start of many, and a domino effect may be in the pipeline.

Keywords: catalonia, bull fighting


1 » Catalonia

It certainly does mark the end of an era here in Catalonia. It doesn't seem to be going down too well with the rest of Spain or the matadors who have appeared in Catalonia. Time will tell I suppose, let's see.

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