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Leonardo Padura

by Lauris on Thursday, June 18, 2015

Un Merecido Galardón a un Novelista Cubano-EspañolLos premios literarios, con frecuencia, recaen sobre escritores de un gran valor literario pero a veces poco conectados con el mundo cotidiano del lector. A veces el… more »

El Aprendizaje Cooperativo-colaborativo en el Aula de ELE

by Lauris on Friday, June 12, 2015

Cuando nos plantamos delante de nuestros estudiantes, en el aula de ELE, nos encontramos con varios desafíos. El primero de ellos es que nuestros alumnos, al igual que los pacientes de un médico especialista ("no hay… more »

El Español - Múltiples Facetas de una Lengua Común

by Lauris on Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Hace un par de semanas, el suplemento dominical del periódico El País publicó un extenso artículo, de la pluma de Álex Grijelmo, un experto en la Lengua Española, autor de algunos títulos fundamentales para todos los… more »

Grappling with Language During the Campaign Season

by Lauris on Friday, May 22, 2015

As teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language we love “authentic materials” and we are always on the lookout for a television or radio advert which fits in perfectly with the topic of a class or we make use of the daily… more »

The Princess of Asturias Awards 2015

by Lauris on Thursday, May 14, 2015

Sometimes our resistance to change, force of habit and what some people call our “autopilot” mode can play a dirty trick on us. That is what happened to me with the Prince of Asturias Award, which I forgot are, as of… more »

Funny Matters which Cause Us to Stop and Think

by Lauris on Thursday, May 7, 2015

It is always helpful and advantageous to add a dash of humor to our classes (personally, I like to use examples which “shock” my students because this will make sure that they really remember what I have taught them… more »

World Book Day in Spain

by Lauris on Thursday, April 30, 2015

April 23rd is World Book Day. This is a fitting annual commemoration as it is celebrated on the same day that Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare died way back in 1616.It is also somewhat of a coincidence that… more »

A Fun Activity to Practice POR and PARA

by Salomé Torres on Thursday, April 23, 2015

One thing that all investigations into foreign language teaching and learning agree on is that it is profitable to teach grammar in the classroom. Gone are the days when purists used to deny the effectiveness of… more »

Eduardo Galeano and Günther Grass

by Lauris on Thursday, April 16, 2015

Sometimes it seems like writers decide to pass away two by two.Sometimes, throughout history strange incidents and coincidences have occurred which seemto have been planned in advance. On Monday, 13th April, (thank… more »

Teaching Spanish - Beginner Errors

by Salomé Torres on Thursday, April 9, 2015

After 25 years working as a teacher, I have had a week full of blunders committing 6 beginner errors. At the end of the day, I have reached the conclusion that having experience does not prevent you from making… more »

The Fundéu BBVA´s 10thAnniversary

by Lauris on Thursday, April 2, 2015

For everybody who, either out of obligation or for the pleasure of it or for a combination of these reasons, has to grapple with the language of Cervantes on a daily basis, and who has chosen to teach it day in and day… more »

Por and Para - Examples

by Salomé Torres on Thursday, March 26, 2015

As I was saying a couple of weeks ago, I think that Cognitive Grammar is extremely useful for teaching the difference between POR and PARA.We have to look for a unique grammatical meaning that can be expressed in… more »

Cell Phones in the Classroom?

by Lauris on Friday, March 20, 2015

Versión española abajoA few weeks ago we took a look at the decision, the dichotomy, the debate, and the duality between paper books and eBooks. My personal inclinations ended up slipping into the discussion as usual… more »

The Difference between POR and PARA

by Salomé Torres on Thursday, March 12, 2015

Understanding the difference between por and para can be a constant challenge for students learning Spanish. Even students at high levels continue mixing up the two prepositions that have caused so many headaches for… more »

Explaining Ser and Estar

by Salomé Torres on Thursday, March 5, 2015

Last week I was talking about how helpful a cognitive grammar approach can be for explaining ser and estar, which later initiated a discussion with my colleagues who put forth examples that seemed to refute the… more »

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