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Conoce a los profes: Hoy desde Granada, os presentamos a Raquel

by Erin on Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Hoy estrenamos una sección nueva de nuestro blog: Conoce a los Profes. ¡Vamos a entrevistar a nuestros profes! Una vez a la semana, os presentaremos a un profesor de una de las escuelas de don Quijote.… more »

Meet our Teachers: Today, from Granada, we present Raquel

by Erin on Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Today, we're pleased to launch a new feature on Spanish Teaching: Interviews with the don Quijote teachers! Each week we'll introduce you to a profe at one if the don Quijote schools. We'll publish the… more »

A good way to "prove" your Spanish skills: the DELE

by Erin on Monday, September 11, 2006

I noticed while working on the don Quijote Weekly Lesson this morning that the last 2006 exam date for the DELE is quickly approaching.Whether you want to certify your Spanish proficiency for your CV, for your… more »

Participate in our polls!

by Erin on Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Move your eyes slowly to the right, right….now!See that? We've added a poll to the Spanish Teaching blog!We've had a good response to our inaugural poll, about Spanglish. I won't tell you which way… more »

This Week's Joke in Spanish

by Erin on Wednesday, September 6, 2006

I chuckled at this week's Joke in Spanish, published in the Weekly Lesson. It's a Spanish language "who's on first", if you're familiar with the old Abbott & Costello routine in… more »

Was machen mittelalterliche Gestalten in Santander?

by Jennifer on Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Diese Frage haben meine Freunde und ich uns auch gestellt als wir am letzten Wochenende in der Hauptstadt Kantabriens zu Besuch waren. Direkt an der Hafenpromenade befand sich ein mittelalterlicher Markt (mercado… more »

80 Years Old and Learning Spanish

by Erin on Friday, September 1, 2006

Part of what I do here at don Quijote is watch the news for articles about Spanish learning, Spanish courses and the Spanish language.Today I ran into this story about an 80 year old woman who just finished a Spanish… more »

Mysterious Cities Revealed!

by Erin on Thursday, August 31, 2006

In which we reveal the identity of the Mysterious Spanish cities in this post and that post, while we explain which of our Mysterious Cities also boasts this highly sought after ice cream-cone wielding… more »

Mysterious Spanish Cities 2

by Erin on Friday, August 25, 2006

In what Spanish city would we find this stone astronaut waiting for us as we toured a centuries-old cathedral?And hmmm….anybody know how an astronaut found his way onto a late Gothic… more »

Radio Tango from Buenos Aires - Tango Music and Conversation in Spanish

by Erin on Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I know I swore allegiance to Spain's Radio Nacional, RNE3, in a previous post, but I've found a great way to mix up both my background music and my Spanish - Radio Tango of Buenos Aires, an Argentinean radio… more »

Wikipedia on the Spanish Language: a Goldmine of Resources!

by Erin on Monday, August 21, 2006

A quick Google search for "Spanish language" this morning led me to the Spanish Language page of Wikipedia. Hours later, I am still blissfully browsing and following links. The page is a goldmine of… more »

Cafe Babel: a Euro webzine in Spanish (or English, or French, or...)

by Erin on Friday, August 18, 2006

If European culture, and current events and controversy interest you, especially if you'd like to combine those interests with your interest in the Spanish language, you'll enjoy Café Babel.Published in… more »

Have you read this?

by Maquil on Monday, August 14, 2006

Fist of all, my goal is to learn Spanish, this blog has helped me find information that I don't think I would have found otherwise. It has also given me a good insight into other people's views of Spanish and… more »

Read the News in Spanish

by Erin on Thursday, August 10, 2006

Here are few resources for reading the news in Spanish - from anywhere! (No excuses for not building your vocabulary!)Spain's El Pais is free online.El Mundo, also from Spain and also free, offers a translator, and… more »

Wonderful Salamanca

by Olga on Thursday, August 10, 2006

From the moment the bus drove me into Salamanca I was amazed by its beauty. Salamanca is a city and therefore has all the facilities you could wish for. At the same time is has all the charming aspects of a small… more »

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