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Tuesday, April 19, 2011 (read 1062 times)

Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz on stage with Prince

by Kimberly

The most famous Spaniards in the world keep making headlines in the US.  On the 14th of April in California, where the family currently resides, they showed off their rock-n-roll moves on stage with the artist Prince at a concert. Both actors are from Spain, Bardem was born in the Canary Islands while Penelope is from Madrid.

Prince had heard that the Spanish actors were in the audience so he invited them on stage to jam with his band.  Penelope Cruz, who gave birth to son Leo in January, showed off her already recuperated figure in black leather pants and high heels.  Javier Bardem dressed casually and wore a baseball cap.  

The Spanish couple clapped and sang on stage with Prince. Javier Bardem is known as a big fan of rock bands like Obus and AC/DC.

Prince will be playing in Los Angeles again on the 21st and 22nd of April.

The two who are infamous for being extremely private can’t seem to stay out of the limelight.  Their courtship, secret marriage, pregnancy, birth of son Leo, constant acting nominations and awards, Penelope's recent star on the Hollywood walk of fame, etc keep them among the ranks of the most famous celebrities in the world.

Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz next public appearance is scheduled at the Cannes Film Festival where Penelope will appear with Johnny Depp for their new film Pirates of the Caribbean.

Keywords: penelope cruz, penélope cruz, prince, prince concert, javier bardem, bardem and cruz, javier and penelope at prince concert


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