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Friday, February 22, 2008 (read 1119 times)
Winner of a two week Spanish course in Spain!!
by CelineIn September 2007, we held a contest in our Monthly Newsletter offering a student the possibility to win a free Spanish course at don Quijote. We are very happy to announce our winner.
Twenty-four year old Kamila Hazdrová from the Czech Republic, a Spanish student subscribed to our Monthly Newsletter, participated in the draw and won a free 2-week Intensive Spanish course with accommodation.
The destination Kamila has chosen for her course is don Quijote Granada school where she will study for two weeks in May.
¡Enhorabuena! Congratulations!
We would like to thank all our participants and remind you to keep your eyes out for future contests.
If you have not yet signed up for our Monthly Newsletter register now to find out all about our special offers, programs and contests.
Do you also want to study abroad with don Quijote? Order your free brochure to get more information about our Spanish courses.
Keywords: contests,students,offers,granada,don quijote,courses,abroad