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Friday, February 29, 2008 (read 1037 times)

Virtual visit to Guanajuato, Mexico

by Paqui

Travel with usto Guanajuato, a charming city in the heart of Mexico where we set our first Spanish school in Latin America: don Quijote Guanajuato. Guanajuato is a quiet university town, rich in culture and colonialarchitecture and has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. It is anideal location for a Spanish course in Mexico!If you're thinking about studying Spanish abroad butcan't decide where, thenmaybe this video can help you to make up your mind!

Read more about Guanajuato
More information to study Spanish in Guanajuato

Keywords: videos,travel,mexico,guanajuato,don quijote,america,abroad


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