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Wednesday, October 19, 2005 (read 1223 times)

Scholarships for Swedish Students

by Paqui

If you are Swedish and you want to learn Spanish in Spain, check if you can apply for a CSN scholarship to cover your Spanish course expenses.

The Swedish National Board of Student Aid (CSN - Centrala Studiestöds Nämnden) grants scholarships and study assistance to Swedish citizens attending long-term language courses.

Don Quijote schools have been approved by Swedish educational authorities and therefore our Swedish students can apply for CSN scholarships. The language course must last between 13 and 45 weeks, and should have a minimum of 20 hours of class per week.

The study assistance or CSN scholarship consists of two components: a student grant and a loan. The grant was a fixed amount of SEK 572 per week in 2002. The loan depends on which country the language course takes place, approximately SEK 1.500 per week. In addition you may apply for a tuition fee loan of SEK 1.350 per week and financial support for your travel to the destination.

You can find more information here:

Keywords: scholarships,spanish,spain


1 » Ricard (on Thursday, October 25, 2012) said:

interested in advertising, thanks

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