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Monday, October 10, 2005 (read 1329 times)
Discovering Spanish Culture
by MoniqueMonique Wright (Nueva Zelanda)
Hola, me llamo Monique Wright, soy neozelandesa, esta es mi segunda vez en España y me encanta. España para mí siempre ha sido un país exótico y desconocido, lo imaginaba con flamenco, con abundancia de fiestas y gente alegre, pero desde mi llegada encuentro que es mucho más.
En España se puede vivir una vida incomparable a otros países. Durante el verano se puede sentir la alegría de las calles, el ritmo de la gente a tu alrededor. La manera de vida es opuesta a la mía, pero la diferencia es una maravilla. Imagina una vida con más calma, pero con más sentimiento, días largos y calurosos. Se puede echar una siesta por la tarde y salir por la noche a comer "pinchos" con amigos.
La cultura española es muy dominante y eso es lo que hace a Salamanca muy especial. Aunque Salamanca esté llena de estudiantes extranjeros y estudiantes españoles, es una mezcla fantástisca y los salmantinos están dispuestos a ayudar y enseñar su cultura y cada experiencia con ellos ha sido muy positiva. ¡Ven!
Hi, my name is Monique Wright and I am from New Zealand. This is my second visit to Spain and I just love the country. I have always considered Spain as an exotic and unknown country, I imagined it with Flamenco, plenty of "fiestas" and joyful people, but since I arrived I have discovered that there's much more.
In Spain you can live a live like without comparison in any other country. In summer you can feel the joy of its streets, the rhythm of the people around you. Its a way of living quite different from mine, but the difference is just great. Imagine a life with more calm, but with more feeling and long and warm days. You can sleep siesta in the afternoon and go out at night to eat some "pinchos" (small portions of different dishes) with your friends.
Spanish culture is present everywhere and that makes Salamanca a really special city. Although the city is full with students, foreigners and Spaniards, its an amazing mixture and Salmantinians are always glad to help you around and to share their culture with the visitors, every experience with them has been very positive. Come!
Keywords: students,spain,salamanca,culture
Nice post. I have always wanted to visit Spain, keep up the good work.
It's so nice to hear that you are enjoying our blog. I hope that you do get a chance to visit Spain one day…It's such a beautiful country. It will definitely be an experience you'll never forget!