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How to learn Spanish: Tips for learning

by Lauren Simmonds on Thursday, October 25, 2012

Are you a Stimulated Scholar or an Uninspired Undergrad?There is a deadline (or ten) on the horizon and you have no idea how you’re going to get all your work done in time… so what do you do? Go shopping and forget… more »

Useful Applications in Spanish Teaching

by Dilek on Monday, October 22, 2012

Language learning methods have been evolved since last decade with the engagement of technology. Phone or tablet applications are one of the most useful way to study Spanish.It’s been a short while when smartphones and… more »

Spanish films: Lo Imposible

by Lauren Simmonds on Thursday, October 18, 2012

Yesterday, I went to the Cinebox Vialia in Salamanca to see what can only be described as the most harrowing film I’ve ever seen. The film was directed by the Spanish film director Juan Antonio Bayona, and the subject… more »

Spanish Culture and Folklore

by Laura on Thursday, September 27, 2012

In Spain, as it is with every other peoples, folklore is a large constituent in the composition of cultural identity. As a river, Spanish history is one of turbulent waters with a remarkably meandering discourse. It… more »

The relationship between Church and State in Spain

by Laura on Thursday, September 20, 2012

It is commonplace knowledge that the kingdom of Spain is a Catholic kingdom. With a historical discourse that so intolerantly expelled the Muslims and Jews (even those ones who claimed to have converted), and also saw… more »

Salamanca: Europe’s 3rd university

by Laura on Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The university at Salamanca is one of those institutions so ancient that it has been hugely influential to the discourse not only of the city but also of Spanish education since its founding. Borrowing and reapplying… more »

Interning Abroad

by Lauren Simmonds on Wednesday, September 5, 2012

It goes without saying that starting a new job with new people in a new place is going to be challenging. As a 20 year-old girl who has been in a new job in a new country for less than a week, leaving all her friends… more »

Cultural Climate Change Across Spain

by Laura on Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The broad stereotypes of the cold Northerners and the warm Southerners are so readily accepted both within and without Spain – and not entirely without reason. They talk of a conservatism which finds its place in those… more »

How Spanish is Flamenco?

by Laura on Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Flamenco is that distinctly Spanish art form which sees the combination of vivid music and florid dance. Wailing the poignant pains of a country that has endured so much, or perhaps of a gypsy people who undoubtedly… more »

Spanish: the world’s 2nd language

by Laura on Wednesday, August 8, 2012

With official language status in 21 countries, 400 million native speakers and 100 million non-native speakers, Spanish language is undoubtedly on the up. In the USA, which claims to be so liberal as not to have an… more »

Can you really learn Spanish Online?

by Laura on Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Online language learning is one of the latest branches of online education or e-learning. With a multitude of websites offering a variety of online tools and teaching methods, it has even been suggested on one website… more »

Spanglish Language - Spanglish Words

by Laura on Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Spanglish is not only a plague to the Americas but also to Spain where, more and more, words and phrases from the English lexis seem to be replacing the Spanish ones. Whilst writing on that increasingly popular theme… more »

Plan Bologna in Spain - Higher Education in Europe

by Laura on Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Plan Bologna (or the Bologna Process) is an initiative put forward by the European Ministry of Education aiming to revolutionise higher education in Europe.1998:- Education Ministers for France, Germany, UK and Italy… more »

Spanish Soccer Team Uefa Euro 2012

by Laura on Wednesday, July 11, 2012

On Sunday 1st July, the Spanish national football team became the UEFA European Champions for the third time in their legacy.The 4-0 victory over the Italian side also marked the third championship win in a streak… more »

Learning Spanish through Music

by Aisling on Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Somewhat embarrassingly, I took up Spanish because of Shakira. I bought the album Laundry Service when I was ten, and learnt off the words to Suerte (Whenever, Wherever) primarily so I could show off to my dad (who… more »

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