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Thursday, June 30, 2016 (read 1445 times)
Are you a Teacher 2.0?
by EstherEducation Technology for teachers
The field of Spanish as a Foreign Language or Second Language (ELE / EL2) Teaching has evolved, and although many still resist, we must adapt to the times in which we live. It's time to put aside the antiquated method in which the teacher stands and lectures oppressively to a room full of passive students.
Today, following the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), we must rely on action-oriented learning, in which students are the protagonists in their own learning and must participate and learn from each other by actively sharing and collaborating in group activities. Students must begin communicating from day one.
Indeed, all this sounds great, but how do we achieve this? This is where ICT tools, the use of technology, information, various audiovisual applications and above all, the internet, can lend us a hand.
Beyond the Classroom
These days, the classroom is no longer a closed space. Thanks to the internet and social networks, students have access to so much information; it's no longer just the teacher who brings knowledge into the lesson, but the students as well. Learning has transcended the classroom: now, it's much more interactive, dynamic, and has infinitely more support tools.
Not so long ago we talked about Teachers and Students 1.0, who easily had access to information over the internet, but now with ELE teaching we are in the 2.0 Era, in which the user interacts with the information they access: not only do they read, but also participate and collaborate in the creation of content and share it on social networks. Some have even already reached Teaching 3.0 using artificial intelligence such as avatars or virtual 3D environments.
What about you? Where do you fit into all this? Do you consider yourself a Teacher 1.0, 2.0 or 3.0? Do you still have trouble using and applying ITC tools in the classroom? Take this quick quiz to reflect on your own experience:
- Do you enter the classroom with a book and a pile of photocopies, or with a USB drive full of activities and resources?
- Do you use any tools that allow you to work collaboratively with your students? Do you share the results of class activities with your students on social networks?
- Do your students read your blog? Do they follow you on social networks? What about your colleagues? Are you in contact with fellow teachers from around the world to share and learn via the internet? Are you a member of an online community?
- Have you ever experienced online classes? Have you attended conferences or participated in any type of online training?
- Have you ever used ICT tools, websites and apps like Snapchat, animated GIFs, storyboards, Photofunia, Recite, Thinglink, Periscope, Prezi, Flipboard, Pinterest or Google+?
Don't worry if you answered no to some of the above questions. All you have to do is keep reading this blog on a weekly basis... we'll keep you up-to-date on these important issues, as well as bring you more relevant topics sure to interest you. ;-)
And remember…share and get involved!