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Thursday, January 30, 2014 (read 1804 times)
Spanish Television Online
by LaurisFor those who want to stay up to date on a certain part of the world, the internet provides an invaluable window that allows users to access information which would otherwise remain practically unreachable.
We’re constantly looking for authentic material for the classroom, to give our students the chance to personally taste some of the subjects related to language and culture that we teach.
News programs, documentaries, investigation shows, music, history, traditions, debates… A wide variety of completely accessible and updated information is available here, and in many cases you can get podcasts, which allow you to download content and listen to it at home or use it in the classroom without needing internet connection.
Public television in Spain is made up of a network of stations, and although many observers accuse these of being excessively costly (cost was the excuse for which Radiotelevisión Valenciana was shut down), they offer information that is undeniably valuable for our Spanish classes.
One wonderful example is http://www.rtve.es/, the website for RTVE (Radio Televisión Española), where users can access an enormous archive from this national public institution. The site also offers free channels which focus on different topics.
Spain’s autonomous system, which makes our country seem something like a “federal monarchy”, has meant that most autonomous communities have their own local radio and television channel (or channels). The following is a list of links to these autonomous public entities, listed with the autonomous community they belong to and the languages spoken on each.
Spanish TV Channels
www.tv3.cat/ Radiotelevisión catalana (Catalan and Spanish)
http://www.eitb.com/ Radiotelevisión vasca (Basque and Spanish)
http://www.crtvg.es/ Radiotelevisión gallega (Galician and Spanish)
http://www.canalsur.es/ Radiotelevisión andaluza (Spanish)
http://www.telemadrid.es/ Radiotelevisión madrileña (Spanish)
http://www2.rtvc.es/ Radiotelevisión canaria (Spanish)
http://www.aragontelevision.es/ Radiotelevisión aragonesa (Spanish)
http://www.7rm.es/ Radiotelevisión murciana (Spanish)
http://www.canalextremadura.es/ Radiotelevisión extremeña (Spanish)
http://www.rtvcm.es/ Radiotelevisión castellano-manchega (Spanish)
http://www.rtvcyl.es/ Radiotelevisión castellano-leonesa (Spanish)
http://ib3tv.com/ Radiotelevisión balear (catalán [mallorquín] and Spanish)
http://www.rtpa.es/ Radiotelevisión asturiana (bable [asturianu] and Spanish)
http://www.tvr.es/ Radiotelevisión riojana (Spanish)
http://www.natv.es/ Televisión navarra (Spanish)
Keywords: spanish news,news in spanish,spanish tv,television in spanish,tv in spanish,spanish television