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Tuesday, March 20, 2012 (read 1232 times)

How To Choose A Good Spanish School

by Dilek

Choosing a Spanish school in Spain is important by all means whether it offers a high quality in teaching, a wide range of learning materials and has experienced teachers.

To keep this uniformity, a federation has been working to advance the level of Spanish teaching and create a standard form of Spanish schools for a very long time.

FEDELE (Federación Española de Asociaciones de Escuelas de Español para Extranjeros) National Federation of Association of Spanish Schools gather six associations under its wings and include 90 Spanish schools.  FEDELE is a federal organisation and has 6 Associations of Spanish Schools located in Andalusia, Canarias, Community of Valencia, Community of Madrid, Castilla and León and Basque Country.

The main objective of the federation is to improve the quality of Spanish teaching . All affiliate schools have at least one of the two quality credentials which are Accreditation Certificate of Cervantes Institute or CEELE. Possession of at least one of these two stamps is a prerequisite for a school to join the relevant regional association, and, therefore, be a member of FEDELE.

In the same concern for quality, FEDELE has established a national provision which is specified in the Quality Charter, which all schools are committed to follow a pattern in all the services they provide (facilities, faculty, programs, accommodation, hospitality, activities, insurance, etc.).

According to FEDELE quality charter, a good Spanish school must include:
- The quality of teaching is determined primarily by the quality of courses and experienced teachers.
- Schools ensure the adequate facilities to perform teaching Spanish. Thus, schools classrooms are equipped with all supporting materials and audio-visual materials. Students must have access to libraries and other language resources.
- Schools offer good quality of accommodation according to various criteria, such as cleanliness, comfort, facilities, location, etc.. For home stay, schools do a detailed research and select the families according to their cultural background, kindness and hospitality which creates a linguistic enriched atmosphere. Similarly, issues such as house comfort, cleanliness, proximity to school, etc. are taken into consideration when choosing host families.
- Schools not only offer lessons in classes but also organize activites that enable the students understand and live Spanish culture better.

The city, social life, food, local people and other cultural features are also important to select a good Spanish school however, it is vital to check whether the school is recognized and accredited by FEDELE, Cervantes Institute or CEELE.

Keywords: fedele, spanish schools, quality in spanish, cervantes institute, ceele, learn spanish


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