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Wednesday, March 7, 2012 (read 2465 times)

Best Spanish Novels

by Dilek

Books can change our perspectives, our behaviours and our lives. Reading is the best way to understand a culture and travel to a country without a ticket. It is also a great helper to language studying.

While learning Spanish, books must be at bedside not only during the studying stage and but also after.
The reasons why we love a specific book vary depending on the time we read, our interest in the book, the language and the plot. By reading the literary works which present the world of Spanish and Latin American culture and reflect its own time, give you a chance to enter the world of that culture. So it will enable for the learner to love and assimilate the language better.

Several magazines, group of critics and writers have published their own “best books in Spanish” list. The number goes beyond 100 and in this limited space we can only show 25 of them right now. Don Quijote is without doubt always take place on the topof the list, so the list below includes works mostly from 20th century.

El amor en los tiempos del cólera  - Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel García Márquez
La fiesta del Chivo - The Feast of the Goat by Mario Vargas Llosa
Los detectives salvajes - The Savage Detectives by Roberto Bolaño
2666 by Roberto Bolaño
Noticias del imperio - News From the Empire by Fernando del Paso Morante
Corazón tan blanco - A Heart So White by Javier Marías
Bartleby y Compañía - Bartleby and Co. by Enrique Vila-Matas
Santa Evita by Tomás Eloy Martínez
Mañana en la batalla piensa en mí - Tomorrow in the Battle Think on Me by Javier Marías
El desbarrancadero by Fernando Vallejo
La virgen de los sicarios - Our Lady of the Assassins by Fernando Vallejo
El entenado - The Stepson by Juan José Saer
Soldados de Salamina - Soldiers of Salamis by Javier Cercas
Estrella distante - Distant Star by Roberto Bolaño
Paisaje después de la batalla - Landscape After Battle by Juan Goytisolo
La ciudad de los prodigios - The City of Marvels by Eduardo Mendoza Garriga
El jinete polaco - The Polish Rider by Antonio Muñoz Molina
El testigo - The Witness by Juan Villoro
Salón de belleza - Beauty Salon by Mario Bellatin
Cuando ya no importe - When it doesn't matter by Juan Carlos Onetti
La tejedora de coronas - The Weaver of Crowns by Germán Espinosa
El paraíso en la otra esquina - The Way to Paradise by Mario Vargas Llosa
Cae la noche tropical - Tropical Night Falling by Manuel Puig
Doctor Pasavento by Enrique Vila-Matas
Herrumbrosas lanzas - Rusty Spikes by Juan Benet

Have you read or willing to read any of these novels? If you make a top ten list, which novels will you choose?

Keywords: spanish, books, literature,novels, gabriel garcía márquez, mario vargas llosa, latin america


1 » Pepe (on Sunday, October 14, 2012) said:

These are not particular books but the writers are amazing:
Pablo Neruda
Federico García Lorca
Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
Carlos Castaneda
Juan José Benítez
Witold Gombrowicz is a polish writer &translator he wrote ''Ferdydurke'' in spanish/Castellano; it''s also amusing.

2 » M (on Wednesday, October 31, 2012) said:

Where are women writers and their works?
I''d definitely recommend Ana Marìa Shua, Laura Esquivel,Josefina Plá, among others.

3 » dQ Dilek (on Wednesday, November 14, 2012) said:

Pepe, Thanks for the advice, our readers and I will add them to the list.

M, Thanks for your comment. Women writers have gained a strong status and their works are very important in Spanish and Latin American literature as well. As this list is based on a voting system of several magazines and other sources, I chose the top 25. Yet, I am inspired by your comment and will prepare a post on women writers who are in that list and have great contribution to literature like Isabel Allende or Laura Gallego along with your recommendations.
All the best!!

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