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Monday, December 31, 2012 (read 1252 times)

Keep Your New Year's Resolutions and Learn Spanish

by Dilek

Happy New Year! We have left behind 2012 and have written down new resolutions for a clean slate not to repeat the same mistakes or to do things we've always desired to achieve and why don't you start cleaning the list with learning Spanish.

You have always intended to study Spanish but at school there was no Spanish class so  you decided to go to Spanish courses which turned into another good attempt or maybe you succeeded in taking classes but couldn't practice and forgot easily. Or are you among the crowd who are totally clueless how important Spanish language is in every sense. This year is the year you will find out the beauty of Spanish.

Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world which is a demanding aspect in international arena both in business and cultural communication. Every year the number of people who wants to study Spanish is increasing and the power of Latin American countries reached to a top level. Not to mention the percentage of Spanish speaking community in United States that will create more work areas and opportunities. Apart from that lots of people have interest in Spanish culture from history to literature, food and high reputation in sports. Also many people got enchanted with the sound of Spanish language so old and rich at the same time so melodic.

Besides these concrete and valid facts if you have your own reasons to learn Spanish start following the steps. The first thing you should bear in mind is to learn the language at a reputable Spanish language school where it is recognized internationally then choose the best program that suits your schedule and interests. If you like you can combine cooking or wine tasting courses with Spanish classes as well. Or if you are a sports fan you can come and see the famous football clubs like Real Madrid and Barcelona while you improve your football skills. Merely you can just enjoy the Spanish culture and lifestyle in a student city like Salamanca. Against all odds there is no chance you could travel abroad you can take online courses from native and experienced teachers.

Following the dreams you’ve always had is the key  to lead a happier life. As a Chinese proverb says "To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world." ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

Keywords: learn Spanish,New Year,study Spanish,Spanish courses


1 » Spanish Lovin Gal (on Thursday, January 3, 2013) said:

I fully recommend don Quijote''s ''Word of the Day''!

Why? Because you get audio (so you can ensure your pronunciation is perfect) AND a sentence that uses the ''word of the day'' in context.

Audio and contextual learning! Two things that I believe are absolutely key!

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