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Thursday, August 18, 2011 (read 1037 times)

Spain commemorates 75th anniversary of Federico García Lorca's death

by Chloe Bustin

Today marks the 75th Anniversary of the death of the famous Spanish poet, dramatist and theatre director, Federico García Lorca, who was shot by Nationalist soldiers, during the Spanish Civil War, on 18th August 1936. His death has since been shrouded in controversy and mystery, and his body, even after excavation attempts, has yet to be found.

The city of Granada, near his home town, paid homage to García Lorca yesterday, with performances of his most celebrated works and a memorial service, which took place in‘Parque de Alcafar’. The idea was to commemorate and try to relive the magnitude and energy radiating from such a talented individual. From the young, enthusiast whose passion hypnotized his friends, to the mature playwright, famous for such plays as  Bodas de sangre’, ‘Yerma’ and ‘La Casa de Bernarda Alba’, to the poet who knew best how to capture the fullness of his extreme imagination.

The ‘Parque de Alcafar’ is dedicated to García Lorca and is also considered to be a possible location of the canonic Spanish poet. In recent years, it has become a pilgirmage site for thousands of García Lorca’s fans.

Now, 75 years on, García Lorca’s life and works still continue to fascinate the world. His legacy is immortal and his voice is just as alive as on that August night when bullets tried to silence it.

If you’ve been inspired by García Lorca’s fascinating works, or indeed want to learn more about plays, poetry and indeed his life, which are such fundamental parts of Spanish literary culture, then why not book a Spanish course that combines Spanish literature, history and art, all in the stunning setting of García Lorca’s hometown of Granada?

Keywords: lorca, granada, anniversary, parque del alcafar, frederico garcia lorca


1 » Peldrei (on Wednesday, August 31, 2011) said:

I love Lorca. Not sure where I stand on the exhumation though.

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