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Tuesday, June 14, 2011 (read 727 times)

Adiós España - Leaving Spain

by Lindsay Cook

The time has nearly come for me to say goodbye to Spain – for now! Since last July I have lived in various parts of Spain as part of my year abroad from university. When studying a language in the UK at university it is obligatory to spend a year abroad improving your language. Not so great a hardship!

My year has been brilliant and I would urge you to take the chance to live abroad, even if only for a few months if you can. Without a doubt my Spanish has got much better. Living in a country you are surrounded by the language which definitely helps you to pick it up faster.

However the benefits have not only been the language. I have been able to live in some beautiful places that were really different to my own home. I spent 3 months in Barcelona where I was lucky enough to see Gaudi’s spectacular La Pedrera every day when I walked to work. Whilst in the last 6 months I have once more been surrounded by beautiful buildings in the “golden city” of Salamanca!

The experience has offered me much more than Spanish and beautiful sights alone. Living in a country allows you to really get to know it’s culture. In Spain what has struck me most is their relaxed way of life and friendliness. Both in Salamanca and in Barcelona I lived with Spanish people who welcomed me into their lives very openly.

As for the customs that I will miss, tapas will definitely be one of them! Spanish food is great and I have really enjoyed the culture of having a drink with a pincho to accompany it. My mum has already sent me her order for jamón Serrano and chorizo so we will be able to recreate some tapas dishes, for a little while at least, with authentic Spanish meats!

This last year is going to be one that I will always look back upon fondly. It wasn´t always easy and there have been times when I have missed by family and friends at home as well as cheese and pickle sandwiches! But I know that these things will be there for me on my return. I have had a great time and met some lovely people and the pros have definitely outweighed the cons!

So if you get the chance to spend some time in Spain, be it for a few weeks, for a few months or for a year then it is definitely worth taking. Your language will definitely improve but it is also a fantastic way to experience a different culture and a new way of life.

As the famous advertising campaign once said – “Spain is different” – so come and see it for yourself!

Keywords: leaving spain, benefits of spending time in spain, spanish culture, tapas, salamanca, bareclona,


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