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Friday, November 4, 2011 (read 1207 times)

Interested in working in Spain for a year?

by Matthew Leake

Anyone from North America aspiring to a career in education, or simply wanting to spend a year in Spain should take advantage of the great opportunities on offer from the Spanish Ministry of Education. Applications for the Ministry’s Language and Culture Assistants Program will be open from November 7th to March 31st, providing 2000 placements from September 2012 to May 2013 across the whole of Spain. To be eligible you have to be a junior or senior college student or a recent graduate and hold U.S or Canadian citizenship.

The program allows you to come to Spain and work as a “Cultural Ambassador” in a Spanish elementary or secondary school where you will assist English or French language teachers. Throughout this experience you will provide a cultural and knowledge exchange between North America and Spain. It is also a great way for you to understand why Spanish is so important and experience culture in Spain, something that will aid your employment prospects back home.  

All organization of your placement is taken care of by the Ministry of Education saving you the hassle of having to find somewhere to work yourself. All you need do is apply to them and the next year you could be working in a fantastic Spanish destination! Moreover, you will receive a decent salary as well as paid winter and spring holiday and medical insurance. It’s an opportunity too good to miss out on!

Keywords: jobs in spain, teaching in spain, placements in spain, living in spain, learn spanish, programs in spain, year in spain


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