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Monday, January 31, 2011 (read 1044 times)

Germany invites Qualified Spanish Professionals to work

by Kimberly

Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, is scheduled to visit Spain on February 3, 2011.  The purpose of the trip is to propose a plan to José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero (Spanish President) that would send young highly qualified Spaniards to Germany to work.

The project takes in account the dramatic Spanish situation, with 4,1 million unemployed people, reaching staggering 20% of the population which is more than double the average European unemployment rate.  Spain has the highest unemployment rate of young people, more than 40%,

Germany is a leading force in the European economy, growing 3,6% in 2010. The German political parties and labor specialists claim that the country urgently requires 500,000 - 800,000 young, highly qualified professionals. The unemployment rate in Germany is nearing the 7% mark, which is technically considered as full employment.

According to Merkel, the offer extends not only to Spain but also to Portugal, both being countries that have many young professionals in search of employment.

Of special interest to Germany are engineers. The Association of Engineers there are in favor of the initiative adding that they need 36,000 engineers as soon as possible. The group also added that the lack of qualified workers will negatively affect Germany's demographic development. 10% of the engineers in Germany are foreigners.

A National Employment report in Germany indicated that by 2025, 6.5 million workers will have retired.

The need for work in Spain is obvious, but many experts warn that Spain will lose important capital by sending away its qualified workers.  It is very dangerous situation for Spain, qualified Spaniards may leave the country, pay taxes in Germany, when all of their education and training was paid for by the Spanish.

According to other Spanish expatriates, going to Germany is a great option.  One Spaniard mentioned that in Germany they are professionally recognized and advance more rapidly. Another Spanish professor living in Germany said that the country pays professors with only 4 months of experience the same amount Spain pays after having worked 10 years. All good reasons for unemployed Spaniards to seriously consider the offer.

To send Spaniards or not to send Spaniards... that is the question!



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