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Thursday, December 2, 2010 (read 1152 times)

Spanish is Growing!

by Laura Ellis

Well for anyone considering taking up Spanish, look no further for an incentive, as the Cuban Linguist Humberto Lopez Morales has estimated that by 2050, 10% of the world's population will speak Spanish.

One of the main reasons for this vast increase has been attributed to its rapid growth within the United States, and a growing availability of media in Spanish. The total population of hispano hablantes in America is now at around 13 million, and thus, Spanish is estimated to increase from a current worldwide total of 450 million (or 6.5%) to is soon set to take off to record numbers!

This is, of course, in comparison to the fact that French is predicted to be spoken by only 1.4% of the international population, and German 1.2%. Furthermore, English speakers are set to reduce dramatically from the current 9% to a mere 5% of the world population by 2050!

Thus, looks like everyone better get learning Spanish!!!

Keywords: spain, speak, learn spanish


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