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Monday, November 23, 2009 (read 1483 times)

A mi ladrón de bicicleta... ¡Muchas gracias! (To my bicycle thief… many thanks!)

by Stacey

We are very proud to announce that "La Gaceta de Salamanca, " a local newspaper in Salamanca, recently published in November 2009 a letter written (in Spanish!) by a don Quijote student.

Here's the letter as it appeared (in Spanish) in the newspaper.(No corrections has been made to the Spanish; an English translation is provided at the bottom)

Hope you find it as amusing as we did!

A mi ladrón de bicicleta… ¡Muchas gracias!

Estimado director,

Llevo un mes estudiando español en Salamanca (en la escuela Don Quijote) y me he llevado un pequeño disgusto que me gustaría contarle. Vengo de Suiza para mejorar mi español en la ciudad más famosa del mundo por su idioma. ¡Y aquí estoy, en Salamanca!

Hace algunos días alquilé una bicicleta a "los amigos de la bici", la dejé en la entrada de mi edificio… Pero el otro día desapareció. Es extraordinario como un acontecimiento desagradable con los que en una situación normal nunca hubiera hablado. Pregunté a Miguel, lleva una librería no lejos de mi casa, si había visto una persona en bici, es tan raro en Salamanca… Hablé con la escuela donde estoy estudiando, y finalmente lo denuncié a la policía. De repente, me di cuenta de que nunca había hablado con tantos Salmantinos! No olvidarlo, estoy aquí para eso, practicar la lengua de Cervantes, de Contador (vencedor del último "tour de France "), del rey Juan-Carlos (esto tipo me gusta mucho, tiene clase) y también de Franco (éste está bien donde está).

Querido ladrón, le agradezco de todo corazón su estimada ayuda en mi aprendizaje. Espero que usted haga un buen uso de esta bicicleta. Hay un paseo que puedo aconsejarle: Empieza en el barrio de Pradillo, enfrente de la comisaría, bordea el río Tormes, cruza el puente romano, y se dirige hacia el parque de la Huerta de Otea ¿Quizás nos encontremos? Hago regularmente esté paseo… corriendo.

Cordialmente, Marc SCHWITTER

To my bicycle thief… many thanks!

Dear editor:

I've been studying Spanish in Salamanca for a month (at the Don Quijote school), and suffered a small displeasure which I would like to tell you about. I come from Switzerland to improve my Spanish in a city famed around the world for its language. And here I am, in Salamanca!

I had rented a bicycle from "los amigos de la bici " a few days ago, left it at the entrance of my building… but discovered it missing the other day. It is remarkable how this unpleasant event - which in a regular situation I would not have spoken to anyone - led me to ask Miguel, who runs a library not far from my house, if he had seen anyone riding a bicycle, an unusual sight in Salamanca… I also spoke with the school where I am studying at, finally reporting the robbery to the police. Suddenly, I realized that I had never spoken to that many Salmantinos before! Don't forget, I am here for that, to practice the language of Cervantes, of Contador (winner of the latest "tour de France "), of King Juan Carlos (I like this guy, he's got class!) and also of Franco (this guy is better where he's at).

Dear thief, I appreciate with all of my heart your esteemed help towards my learning. I hope you make good use of that bicycle. There's a route I would like to recommend to you: Start off in the Pradillo neighborhood just in front of the Police Station, follow along the border of the River Tormes, cross the Roman bridge and head towards the park of Huerta de Otea. Perhaps we shall meet as I regularly make this route… running.

Sincerely, Marc SCHWITTER

Keywords: study spanish,study,spanish,spanisch,spain,schools,salamanca,grammar,estudiantes,espagnol


1 » Übersetzung Deutsch Spanisch

i like the Don Quijote school. I have visited her 3 years.

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