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Monday, June 23, 2008 (read 991 times)

Courses in Spain for the DELE official certification

by Stacey

The D.E.L.E. (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera) is an internationally recognized diploma of great value if you want to study at a Spanish University or if you are going to work in a Spanish-speaking environment.

It is the only official accreditation that certifies the degree of mastery of the Spanish language for citizens of countries where Spanish is not the official language.

You can obtain this internationally acknowledged diploma by taking one of the exams under the supervision of the Spanish Ministry of Education. The examinations take place once or twice a year at three levels: "Inicial ", "Intermedio " and "Superior ".

The "Inicial" exam lasts a total of 2 hours 50 minutes; the "Intermedio" lasts 3 hours 45 minutes; and the "Superior" lasts 4 hours. All three exams include reading comprehension, writing, listening comprehension, grammar and vocabulary as well as oral expression. All five parts of the exam are taken on the same day, so confidently preparing for it is the best advice that can be given to anyone wishing to take it.

don Quijote offers a special course to prepare you for any level of the D.E.L.E. exam. If you require a certificate that demonstrates your level of Spanish, this is the perfect prep course for you!

Just remember:- You can take this course in any of the don Quijote schools in Spain and Guanajuato (Mexico). - don Quijote class start dates for August and November are 2, 3 or 4 weeks before examination date … - …and the next official examination dates (in Spain) are August 22nd of 2008, and in November 21st of 2008.

SPECIAL NOTE: For the August 22nd examination: Registration dates are from 14th of July to 1st of August.

For additional information such as the requirements and documents needed to register, visit this very informative page to learn everything about D.E.L.E.!

Obtaining this diploma will eliminate any doubt employers or anyone might have about your level of Spanish, and will definitely enhance your curriculum, aside from providing you with an inmense personal pride for having accomplished it! Take advantage of this summer and use it as an excuse to study Spanish in Spain and to reward yourself by obtaining an official certificate of your proficiency in Spanish as proof of your efforts!

Keywords: dele exam,dele,,vocabulary,verano,summer,study spanish,spain,study abroad,study,spanish


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