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Thursday, May 8, 2008 (read 1455 times)

Teacher Appreciation Week 2008

by Stacey

This week is dedicated to honoring the people that help contribute in making a difference in the world by molding, guiding, enlightening and inspiring the minds of the future. And because teachers are special, it is officially Teacher Appreciation Week in the United States… all week from May 6 - May 10. So if you're a teacher and you love teaching then this week is the week don Quijote wishes you a very big 'THANK YOU' for the hard work you do.

A teacher is defined as someone that is able to demonstrate an ability to teach. This occasion is aimed to celebrate and recognize the efforts of the teachers who became licensed professional instructors in the teaching field. It may also apply to those individuals that are not licensed to teach in a school setting but in one small way, do teach. A family member that has taken the time to show you howsomething is done- whether it's how to cook, ride a bike, how to use acomputer to that friend or co-worker who speaks anotherlanguage and practices with you can be referred to as a teacher as well. So this week, teachers should be celebrated and admired, since we all learned something from a one at one point in our lives.

It is not required or demanded, but some ways students have thanked teachers by sending them a card or an email, giving them a personalized item like a coffee mug, an aromatized candle or an inspirational book. Even a simple phrase such as 'thank you' or 'good job' can be a rewarding, satisfactory compliment for a teacher. don Quijote also wishes to thank our own teachers and to every teacher out there who is not reading or is aware of this article. Thanks for your patience, guidance, and understanding!

You can read more about some of don Quijote teachers or about Teacher Appreciation.

Keywords: work,teachers,profesores,jobs,holiday,culture,cultura,america


1 » kitty (on Friday, April 13, 2012) said:

celebrate and recognize the efforts of the teachers

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