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Friday, April 18, 2008 (read 1324 times)
What better practice than reading Pedro Almodovar's blog?
by Erin
Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar is working on a new film, Los abrazos rotos. And in the process, he's created a wonderful opportunity for film fans and Spanish students to get an inside look at how a film is made: a blog, where he muses on the script, the best translation for an English title (he decided the title's abrazos are more "embraces" than "hugs"), Penelope Cruz's hairstyle and, seemingly, whatever crosses his mind.
Blogpedroalmodóvar is written in Spanish, with English and French translations. (Access the translations through the blog's main page, www.pedroalmodovar.es.) If you're an intermediate or high beginner student of Spanish, the translations will provide a quick way for you to understand vocabulary or colloquialisms new to you, before carrying on reading the blog in Spanish.
Keywords: vocabulary,spanish,spain,resources,intermediate,culture,colloquial,cine,beginners,advanced
I looove the movie "Los abrazos rotos" The translation into english is very good. Thats nice.
great! thanks for sharing
I looove the movie "Los abrazos rotos" The translation into english is very good. Thats nice.
great! thanks for sharing