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Friday, November 14, 2008 (read 7032 times)

30 Scholarships to Study Spanish in Spain or Mexico

by Stacey

The following text will be in next week's weekly newsletter... be the first to know what goes on with donQuijote, Spain's largest provider of in-country Spanish courses in Spain and Latin America!

We are delighted to announce the launch of our 7th annual Fundación don Quijote Scholarship Program for 2009!

 The program offers institutions the chance to win a scholarship for one of their students to study Spanish with don Quijote in Spain or Guanajuato, Mexico. We will award 30 Scholarships (one per institution) to the 30 academic institutions presenting the most creative and best-developed plans to actively promote the learning of Spanish as a foreign language.

Is there still time to apply? Yes! The application deadline is February 29th. If you are a Spanish teacher or study in a high school, university, community college or college, encourage your institution to apply!

Don't miss this once in a lifetime opportunity!

Read more about the Scholarships Program!

Request a FREE brochure!

Keywords: university,teachers,study spanish,spain,study abroad,study,spanish,spaanse,spaans


1 » joseph abah (on Tuesday, February 22, 2011) said:

my name is joe, i want to play foot ball as a career but the mean is not their for me. i understand i can get scholarship through you, please i hope to hear from you soon.

2 » Kim (on Tuesday, February 22, 2011) said:

Hi Joe, the scholarships mentioned in this article were for learning Spanish, not playing football. Good luck on your search!

3 » Tri Putri (on Wednesday, March 16, 2011) said:

My name is Tri and i am interested to study Spanish language in Spain/Mexico. I already studying in Instituto Cervantes until Inicial 3.
Is there any opportunity to get scholarship to practice my Spanish? kindly confirm to me and thank you.

4 » Gaurav Diwan Arya (on Tuesday, May 24, 2011) said:

I want to study Spanish Language in Spain around September or December of 2011 or may be in January 2012 ,though I have completed My Advanced Diploma in Spanish From INSTITUTO HISPANIA as well as I am a student of B.a Final year(Economics) are there any scholorship available for me. Kindly Respond to my query. Thank you.

5 » Ines (on Friday, May 6, 2011) said:

I would like to learn Spanish inSpain in June, July, August or September. I am from South AFrica. Is there any scholarship fr me? Thanks!

6 » Gaurav.D.Arya (on Thursday, September 22, 2011) said:

I am a Indian national and in my final year of my graduation in economics and have done advanced diploma in spanish language from instituto hispania, now i wanted to go spain improve my accents and get a more indepth knowledge of spanish culture and language as i want to establish my career in spanish language only , for this are there any scholorships that could allow me a short 1-2 months course trip to spain and take care of funds for it . I 'll be appearing for DELE exam from instituto cervantes in 2012. .**

7 » Pamela (on Tuesday, July 12, 2011) said:

I am from the country of Barbados and would love to study Spanish in it's native country. Can I qualified for a scholarship.

8 » Tyson (on Thursday, July 21, 2011) said:

when is the next time this web page will be updated? I am interested to know if there are any scholarships for this year or next.. I study Spanish NCEA Level 2, (currently Year 13 Student).
I would love to have the opportunity to study in Spain.
thanks, Tyson

9 » Kimberly (on Thursday, July 21, 2011) said:

Hello Tyson from don Quijote,
Our scholarship program is not an annual event. The next time we decide to do a program like this, however, I will be sure to put a blog post. There are many places I would search if I were you, particularly the MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN in Spain, they often have programs for foreigners to come to Spain to teach and live for awhile. The last one was for "language assistants" who worked in public schools. Also, check out your government education website, many times there are programs that you would never know about if you dont dig around! Good luck!.

10 » tasha (on Friday, August 5, 2011) said: a zambian girl aged 22 and am looking for a scholarship to study spanish.I was born with a passion to study spanish.each day I go to google and google a sentence and pronouciation in spanish so that I can learn somethingt new but its not enough.I hope to become a spanish teacher when I fully learn spanish.please help

11 » TAMIA (on Wednesday, December 21, 2011) said:

Hi, I am from St.Lucia and I really LOVE the Spanish language. I would really appreciate an opportunity to immerse myself in the Spanish language. Learning it from school is just not sufficient. If there are scholarships available to study in Spain I would be reallllly gratefull if you would consider me. My one desire is to come as close to being a native speaker as I can.

12 » jez (on Friday, January 27, 2012) said:

Hi I'm wondering if you still have awards or scholarships? Please let me know or email me. Muchas Gracias!

13 » amit (on Monday, December 26, 2011) said:

This is amit here and i want a scholarship to learn spanish in malaga or in salamanca university right now i am pursuing spanish language course from intituto de cervantes de nueva delhi please solve my query
thank you

14 » PIYALI DAS (on Saturday, June 30, 2012) said:

Hi I am Piyali from India . I have done my Post Graduation along with three years course on Spanish language . But now I would like to learn more on Spanish culture ,food etc . Please let me know if I could manage to get any scholarship . Wating for your reply . Thanks in advance.

15 » ANASTACIA EZEONU (on Sunday, August 5, 2012) said:

I am a Nigerian currently studying in Ghana and will graduate next year with a degree in Human Resources.I love spanish language and will like to study it in spain if possible i can obtain a scholorship to study in spain.Thanks

16 » Sangam Panta (on Thursday, August 16, 2012) said:

Hola, soy de Nepal. Estoy buscando una universidad o institución donde puedo aprender y mejorar mi español en España. Soy autodidacta en español y ahora quiero mejorarlo. Me gustaría encontrar algún curso de la beca donde puedo aprender más y poder escribir literaturas y canciones en español. Disculpa por la molestia y gracias!

Sangam Panta
Kathmandu, Nepal

17 » Chinnampat Martin (on Saturday, August 25, 2012) said:

Hai. Im a student majoring in Spanish Language in a local Malaysian univ. I want to know if there is the same scholarship offered for the year 2012 and 2013? Thank you. Looking forward from you. ;)

18 » Sofia Murvanidze (on Tuesday, September 25, 2012) said:

Hola, I am Sofia, from Georgia. I want to improve my Spanish skills, and could you please help me in finding any scholarships for language courses? I am looking forward for your answer:) Gracias!:))

19 » dqtyson (on Wednesday, September 26, 2012) said:

Hello from don Quijote, I think Kimberly gives the best advice on finding scholarships to study Spanish (see her comment 9 above). The Ministerio de Educación in Spain often offers scholarships to foreigners. Take a look at your government''s education website also, they may have something. Best of luck!

20 » evans (on Saturday, November 10, 2012) said:

hola, soy evans y estudio la traduccion en espanol, pero ingles es la lengua oficial en mi pais . entonces, tengo que viajar a un pais donde se habaln espanol para mejorar el habla de la lengua. quiero saber if it is possible to get a scholarship to study in any spanish-speaking country.

21 » pinaki ghosh (on Thursday, December 20, 2012) said:

como se puede ganar la beca para estudiar el espanol en espana o otros paises hispanohablantes?

22 » dQ Tyson (on Friday, December 21, 2012) said:

Hola Pinaki, gracias por su interés en nuestro blog. Un sitio donde se puede buscar becas para estudiar español en España u otros países donde se habla español es la página web del departamento de educación de su país. Se puede mirar también en el ministerio de educación de españa. ¡Espero que encuentre la beca que busca!

23 » Rijvan (on Friday, November 28, 2014) said:

Hola, soy Rijvan y estudio la traduccion en espanol, pero hindi y ingles son las lenguas oficiales de mi pais . entonces, tengo que viajar a un pais donde se habla espanol para mejorar mi nivel del español. quiero saber sobre las becas para estudiar español en qualquier pais de Europa o America Latina, Por favor ayudeme alproveerme la beca correspondiente.

Gracias muchisimas! un saludo cordial.

24 » Tyson (on Monday, December 1, 2014) said:

Hola Rijvan, he visto que el Instituto Cervantes está ofreciendo 45 becas, espero que este enlace te ayude:

25 » luis morales (on Wednesday, January 14, 2015) said:

hola, estoy estudiando la preparatoria en estados unidos pero al graduarme me gustaria estudiar la universiadad en mexico y me gustaria saber si hay algunas becas que me servirian

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