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Tuesday, July 31, 2007 (read 1724 times)

Pe, Pa, Pis-pas and plin: a little Spanish slang

by Erin

You asked for it, you got it!

In our first blog "slang" installment, here are a few of the more curious sounds you'll hear wandering around Spain, in colloquial Spanish, formal Spanish and with a reasonable equivalent in English:

A mi, plin No me importa Makes no difference to me

En un pis pas Inmediatamente, rápidamente Right away

De eso nada Negación rotunda, no, no y no No, no, absolutely not!

Ni fu ni fa Resultar indiferente It's all the same to me

And last, this business of pe and pa.

"Saber o conocer algo de pe a pa" means "to know everything there is to know about something".

If you'd like to pick up a bit of slang every month, subscribe to our free monthly bilingual newsletter, which includes a slang survival guide, recipes in Spanish, Spanish sayings, handy URLs for learning Spanish, don Quijote news and special offers as well as a monthly cover story on Spanish travel or culture.



1 » Business Loan

My kids enjoyed this page. I can't make them learn anything but when it comes to slang they told me what every phrase means.

2 » Business Loan

My kids enjoyed this page. I can't make them learn anything but when it comes to slang they told me what every phrase means.

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