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Wednesday, March 28, 2007 (read 6208 times)
The 10 Best Novels Written in Spanish During the Last 25 Years?
by ErinAs part of the celebrations surrounding the 4th International Congress of the Spanish Language, taking place this week in Cartagena de las Indias in Colombia, the Colombian magazine Semana asked 81 writers, literary critics, teachers and cultural journalists from Spain and Latin America to select the 100 best novels written in the language of Cervantes during the last quarter century. You can peruse the entire list of 100 best novels in Spanish on the magazine's website.
Sounds like a good enough recommendation to add a few of these titles to your Spanish reading list. The top 10:
- El amor en los tiempos de cólera. Gabriel García Marquez.
- La fiesta del Chivo. Mario Vargas Llosa.
- Los detectivos salvajes. Roberto Bolaño.
- 2666. Roberto Bolaño.
- Noticias del imperio. Fernando del Paso.
- Corazón tan blanco. Javier Marías
- Bartleby y compañia. Enrique Vila-Matas.
- Santa Evita. Tomás Eloy Martiñez.
- Mañana en la batalla piensa en mí. Javier Marías.
- El desbarrancadero. Fernando Vallejo.
Each link will take you to the English Wikipedia pages about that author. In the Spanish version of this post, the links will take you the Spanish Wiki pages.
Keywords: spanish,news,intermediate,culture,books,advanced