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Thursday, May 11, 2006 (read 1383 times)

Spanish for Beginners

by Paqui

Here are some great ideas for beginners in Spanish:

Free Spanish lessons by email don Quijote members is a community with free services and resources for anyone wanting to learn or practice Spanish. You'll get free access to weekly Spanish lessons by e-mail, language learning tools, Spanish word of the day, Spanish verbs conjugator, penpals... 70,000 members, strong and growing!!

Spanish courses abroad

The best way to learn a language is through an immersion course in the country. It's the fastest method to learn Spanish and also the most funny, besides learning the language you also learn about the culture and it's a great opportunity to meet friends from all over the world who share your interests. You don't need to spend a great amount of money and it will be for sure the best investment of your life.

Montly newsletterA small taste of Spain, Latin america, Hispanic culture and Spanish language, every month in your mailbox. You'll find fresh information on Spanish culture, what's on in Spain, news, a Spanish slang survival kit, a recipe, and much more. It's delivered to your inbox in English and Spanish. Check out some past examples from the newsletter archive

Keywords: lesson,learn,culture,aprender


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