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Wednesday, April 12, 2006 (read 910 times)

A Bit of Reward for Teachers

by Paqui

Teacher Appreciation Week 2006 from May 7th to May 13th 2006 will give you the opportunity to show your appreciation for the most important teachers in your life. This is the perfect time to let your teachers know how much you value their efforts and their invaluable contribution to your education.

There are many ways for you to say thank you… A poem, a book, or a personalised gift can be an appropriate way to show your appreciation, or as Aristotle said:

'The true disciple shows his appreciation by reaching further than his teacher'

Here is a great website with more ideas: on the site you will also find a calendar of the dates for this celebration in different countries, a section of famous teachers, jokes, and lots more.

Thank you teachers!

Keywords: reward,teachers


1 » rahulaiwa9

I agree with you even i found this site really usefull.
I found the website which has all the possible information you would need. Apart from giving ideas and suggestions on how you could make your teacher happy, this website also has a space where you could put in something about your own teachers for everyone to read. This could in itself be such a wonderful gift for your teacher.

And if you are looking for just general information like something about the great teachers in our history or you want to tickle your funny bone with some student teacher jokes, this website has it all. I would say there is something in it for everyone. And well, if you think you have some much better ideas for felicitating your teacher, go ahead and post it in ‘Your Ideas' section on Let the world know your ideas and benefit from it too.

2 » rahulaiwa9

I agree with you even i found this site really usefull.
I found the website which has all the possible information you would need. Apart from giving ideas and suggestions on how you could make your teacher happy, this website also has a space where you could put in something about your own teachers for everyone to read. This could in itself be such a wonderful gift for your teacher.

And if you are looking for just general information like something about the great teachers in our history or you want to tickle your funny bone with some student teacher jokes, this website has it all. I would say there is something in it for everyone. And well, if you think you have some much better ideas for felicitating your teacher, go ahead and post it in ‘Your Ideas' section on Let the world know your ideas and benefit from it too.

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