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Tuesday, January 3, 2006 (read 1163 times)

Teacher Workshops in New York

by Paqui

The College of Mount Saint Vincent in NYC will held the 2nd Teacher Workshop for high school foreign language teachers to be held on March 10, 2006.

This one-day enrichment workshop will have presentations from groups such as theInstituto Cervantes, the College Board, the Queen Sophia SpanishInstitute and the Alliance Française. This year, the College of Mount Saint Vincent Foreign Languages dep. invites you to send proposals for short workshops. You can share withyour colleagues some successful teaching tools and/or practices.

Please send your proposals by electronic mail by January 15, 2006 to:

Prof. Fátima Álvarez López ló
Prof. Carlos Sánchez Somolinos

Keywords: work,teachers,profesores


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