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Monday, December 5, 2005 (read 1336 times)

Football for foreign students in Valencia

by Paqui

A football championship organised in Valencia for foreign students brought together students of Spanish from 27 different countries.

The Erasmus Football Cup Bolseria, took place in Valencia, on November the 12th and 13th. The football teams were composed by foreigners who study in various Spanish schools of Valencia, including students of the don Quijote school, and also Erasmus students.

The don Quijote team was the only one to count players from the 5 different continents! A truly international team.

The football tournament was a real display of solidarity and fun, a melting pot of nationalities which reflected in different ways of playing football.

You'll find attached to this post a copy of the article published by the newspaper Superdeporte about the competition.

Keywords: valencia,schools


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