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Friday, November 25, 2005 (read 6256 times)

Spanish Christmas Carols

by Paqui

The time for Christmas songs is almost upon us. In my city, Salamanca, they are already starting to put up Christmas lights on the streets, and shop windows already display Christmas decorations along side all sorts of little presents.

Here I recommend you a website where you'll find the lyrics for Christmas carols in Spanish and also the music to download:  Spanish Christmas Carols.
Villancico is the spanish word for Christmas carol. This is an example of a popular villancico, whose chorus I find specially funny.The chorus translation in English will be something like:
but, look at the fishes drinking in the river..

La Virgen se esta peinando
entre cortina y cortina.
Los cabellos son de oro
y el peine de plata fina.
Pero mira como beben los peces en el río
pero mira como beben por ver al Dios nacido.
Beben y beben y vuelven a beber
los peces en el río por ver a Dios nacer.
La Virgen está lavando
y tendiendo en el romero.
Los angelitos cantando
y el romero floreciendo

spend christmas in Spain... you'll have the chance to learn and to sing these and other traditional songs.

Feliz navidad

Keywords: spanish,cultura


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